Kids & Teens

Welcome to the Children’s Library

We have many resources that are great for any Family.We have many AWE computers open for children to learn, play and grow. Books, games, puzzles, and STEAM kits for families to checkout and continue to learn, play and grow at home. We also have programming year round from birth to sixth grade.

Library Events

Welcome to the Teen’s Library

We have many resources that are great for teens. Come enjoy our Teen Zone that is reserved just for 13-18 year old students. Three computers are available for research, homework, or entertainment. Books, and graphic novels are available to enjoy in the library or for check out for any library card holders.

TAG (Teen Advisory Group)

TAG, or the “Teen Advisory Group,” offers an opportunity for students in grades six through twelve to learn library tasks, perform meaningful volunteer work, and enjoy age-appropriate activities such as book discussions under the supervision of the Youth Services Librarian.

Teen Volunteer Packet

Going to College? Check out these resources!

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