
Link to Blue Career Database.

BlueCareer by EBSCOlearning is a software platform that allows Job Seekers to easily explore the skilled trades and ultimately connects them with Employers. BlueCareer has a robust level of information, assessments, and training materials for over 100 skilled trades specialties in one easy to use platform. Whether someone has years of experience in the trades or is simply curious to learn more, BlueCareer has something for everyone.

Chilton Auto Repair: Comprehensive automotive manuals for thousands of cars, trucks, and SUVs

Chilton Tutorial

Entrepreneurial Mindset Course

Sign up for Entrepreneurial Mindset Training and learn how to think (and act) like an entrepreneur. In this self-paced program, developed by the Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative, you will learn how to: Recognize opportunities that others overlook. Drawing from best practices in design thinking, you will learn how to discover opportunities that are hiding in plain sight. Master the art of bootstrapping. You will learn how cash-strapped entrepreneurs manage to identify, evaluate and transform their ideas into a sustainable success. Develop a success network that will enable you to avoid costly mistakes, reduce the learning curve and accelerate your growth. Identify and overcome the self-imposed limitations that may be holding you back.Tap into a mindset that will inspire and empower you to create a path toward a more meaningful and prosperous life regardless of where you start.

This database provides the everyday user with the necessary tools and detailed “how-to” instructions to independently address a wide range of small business topics, including:

  • Buying/selling a business
  • Managing employees
  • Writing a business plan
  • Understanding legal information
  • Marketing a business
  • And much more….

Learning Express Library: Offers several centers, to build skills, prepare for college, get a GED, and many more.

Universal Class: Learn something new today! Over 500 online Continuing Education courses

Biblioboard: eBook lending and tools to create, share, and discover local content.

Bibloboard Tutorial

Hoopla: Instantly borrow digital movies, music, eBooks and music 24/7 with your library card.

Hoopla Tutorial

Overdrive– New Mexico Library to Go: Downloadable e-books, e-audiobooks, and magazines.

TumbleBooks: Online collection of animated, talking picture books.

Tumblebook Tutorial

HeritageQuest: Research your family tree. Access census records and view historical documents

HeritageQuest Tutorial

Brainfuse: Online tutoring and homework help.

Did you know that your library has a great research tool for English Language Learners?

Ask your librarian for details.

Read It! is designed to support learners who are developing English language proficiency and need adapted

reading material for many subjects.

  • Find nonfiction articles and reference texts about a variety of topics
  • Learn new vocabulary and take reading practice quizzes to build comprehension
  • View illustrations, diagrams and maps to increase understanding
  • Listen to articles read aloud
  • Use research guides
  • Sharpen your study skills
  • Get tips on note-taking, academic writing and more

Rosetta Stone: 30 languages to choose from.

Rosetta Stone Tutorial

Historical Newspapers

New Mexico Collection 1882-Recent - SUB (HNNMALL)

Albuquerque Journal

Username: cplinfo@cityofcarlsbadnm.com

Password: Password1

Current Argus: Get today’s news with the Current Argus eSubscription!

Username: cplinfo@cityofcarlsbadnm.com

Password: password

El Paso Times Archive

username: TMCARLS

password: CARLSBAD

Las Cruces News.


Username: cplinfo@cityofcarlsbadnm.com

Password: library101!

AtoZdatabases is the premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads,

and Job-Search Database. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment

opportunities, background searches, finding friends, relatives and a whole lot of other


A to Z Databases Tutorial

El Portal

New Mexico’s doorway to a world of information

Encyclopaedia Britannica: Online encyclopedia for research at home.

Brittanica Library Tutorial

Gale Virtual Reference Library: Online reference center.

Gale eBooks Tutorial

Nursing and Allied Health: Authoritative content for nursing professionals and students.

AtoZ Food America

Up to date information about the American Cuisine, including recipes, history, a collection of rare cookbooks and access to food-related commercials from yesteryear.

A to Z Food America Tutorial

A to Z Maps

Provides maps and information of places around the world. Great resource for students!

A to Z The USA

Provides maps and information of places around the USA. Great resource for students!

A to Z the USA Tutorial

A to Z World Food

Explore recipes & food culture in countries around the world!

A to Z World Food Tutorial

A to Z World Travel

Explore recipes, food, culture, transportation, travel, and security in countries around the world!

A to Z World Travel Tutorial

Global Road Warrior

Include maps, books, information, and atlases from countries around the world. Great resource for class reports!

If you are experiencing problems with these databases try our tutorials, or if you need further assistance, please contact us.


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