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Public Works Department / Building and Maintenance Departments / Parks Department / Solid Waste Department / Street Department / Annual Pavement Improvement Program / Maintenance of Streets and Alleys / Street Sweeping Schedule / Approved Excavation and Backfill Procedures / Streets Improvements Map / Water Department / Wastewater and Sewer Department
The following requirements must be met regarding opening and closing excavations in streets, alleys, and City right-of-ways. If these requirements are not met, the City of Carlsbad will employ the services of a private contractor to make the proper repairs. The cost of the contractor?s repair work and any other City cost incurred will then be billed to the responsible company.
All excavations requiring removal of pavement or concrete must be restored to their original state (including hot overlay, chip sealing, etc.) within twenty-four (24) hours of excavation or trench completion.