Approved Excavation and Backfill Procedures

City of Carlsbad Specifications For Excavation and Backfill of Utility Cuts Within City Right-Of-Ways

The following requirements must be met regarding opening and closing excavations in streets, alleys, and City right-of-ways. If these requirements are not met, the City of Carlsbad will employ the services of a private contractor to make the proper repairs. The cost of the contractor?s repair work and any other City cost incurred will then be billed to the responsible company.

  1. Permit – A permit is required if excavation is required for the purpose of making a sewer tap.
  2. Breaking through pavement or concrete
  3. When excavations are in concrete or pavement saw cutting will be required. The depth of the saw cut must be at least 2/3 of the total depth of the pavement or concrete.
  4. Sections of sidewalks or curbs, and gutters are to be removed to the nearest expansion joint, score line, or saw cut edge.
  5. Unstable pavement, sidewalks, and gutters must be removed over cave-ins and the sub grades are to be treated in the same manner as the main excavation.
  6. Backfilling
  7. The only acceptable procedure for backfilling excavations within the City streets, alleys, or roadways is to use flowable backfill.
  8. Any other backfill within a City easement must be filled with material consisting of the original excavated material or other material in a finely divided form. In either case, all materials must be free from large lumps, large stones, rocks, muddy soils, pieces of old concrete or asphalt pavement. Wet soils must be placed and compacted in layers or lifts from the bottom to the top of the trench or excavation.
  9. Each lift or layer must be sufficiently moistened and compacted to a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of maximum density throughout the entire trench or excavation.
  10. In the event the compacted backfill fails to meet the density requirements, or otherwise fails as evidenced by settlement of the trench or excavation, the City will order the faulty backfill materials removed by a private contractor and bill the cost to your company.
  11. Your company will be responsible for the integrity of any trench or excavation for a period of five (5) years. After such time, the City will resume responsibility.
  12. Resurfacing

All excavations requiring removal of pavement or concrete must be restored to their original state (including hot overlay, chip sealing, etc.) within twenty-four (24) hours of excavation or trench completion.

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