Training and Recruiting Division

Now Hiring Police Officers and Telecommunicators!

Uncertified Patrolman $27.30  per hour

Uncertified Telecommunicator $23.73 per hour

 Lateral Transfers/Certified Patrolman $30.71-$38.67 per hour based on years of service

Lateral Transfers/Certified Telecommunicator $26.69-$32.03 per hour based on years of service

Employment Application

Email application to

Recruitment Flyer and QR code

Police Officer Testing: Test Dates – Applicants will complete a fitness exam and written exam.

Police Officer Testing dates will be held every Monday of each month. Testing will be held at the Carlsbad Police Department located at 602 W. Mermod St, Carlsbad, NM. Testing will begin promptly at 8:15 AM. You will need to bring your state issued Drivers License, Social Security Card, and a water source. Please show up in workout attire and submit an application online prior to testing. If you wish to study prior to the testing, you can search POST practice test or sample online. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Recruiting in El Paso, Texas: We will be back in El Paso on the following dates: March 1st-2nd and March 15th-16th. All Testing will be held on the Saturday and Sunday of each of these weekends with testing beginning promptly at 8:15 AM. Location for testing will be held at the Courtyard Marriott located at 6610 International, El Paso, TX. If you wish to speak with a recruiter while we are in the area, we will be set up at Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso on Friday's and Saturday's of each weekend from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Here you can get more information or ask questions you may have. You can also fill out an application in person or online at our city website. We look forward to seeing you! 

 Telecommunicator Testing

  • The selection process involves three phases - Each phase must be completed in order to be eligible or considered for a position with our agency
  • Phase 1 - Telecommunicator testing will be done on site at the Carlsbad Police Department located at 602 W. Mermod, Carlsbad, NM
  • Phase 2 - Panel Interview
  • Phase 2 - Background Investigation and Personal History
  • Phase 1 will be a dispatch testing and will be administered by Dispatch Supervisor Micheal Munoz. These Test are completed on the first and third Thursday of every month and will be scheduled by Supervisor Munoz. Please go online and fill out an application. Once we receive the application, Supervisor Munoz will contact the applicant and set up these testing dates.
  • Phase 2 is the panel interview will be administered once you pass the initial dispatch test. This interview will consist of 5 representatives from our agency. The interview will be set up on a later date, as Lt. Rory Castaneda or Sgt. James Logsdon will contact the applicant to set this up.
  • Phase 4 is the background. Pending the applicant passes the panel interview, the applicant will be given a personal history statement and will need to be filled out in its entirety. Once this is completed and turned back in, then the training and recruiting division will complete the background check vetted applicants based on the information provided in their personal history statement.


Questions regarding employment may be directed to any of the following:

Castaneda, Rory Training Lieutenant
Logsdon, James Training Sargent

Minimum Requirements (Police Officer)

Applicants must:

  • Be a minimum of 21 years of age
  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Hold a high school diploma or the equivalent
  • Hold a valid driver’s license
  • Have not been convicted of, pled guilty to or entered a plea of nolo contendere to any felony charge. Arrests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Have not been convicted of, pled guilty to or entered a plea of nolo contendere to a violation of any federal or state law or local ordinance relating to aggravated assault, theft or driving while intoxicated, controlled substances or other crime involving moral turpitude, within the three year period immediately preceding his application. Arrests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
  • Have not been discharged under dishonorable conditions from any of the armed forces of the United States

Selection Process (Police Officer)

  • Application
  • Written Exam-Applicants must score a 60% or better
  • Study guides can be purchased at the following Police Officer Selection Test
  • Successfully complete the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Fitness Entrance Standards. See fitness standards here
  • Sit-ups-a minimum of 27 repetitions in one minute
  • Push-ups-a minimum of 15 repetitions in one minute
  • 1.5 mile run in 15:14 (minutes:seconds) or less
  • 300 meter sprint in 71 seconds or less
  • Personal History Statement
  • Oral Board Interview
  • Background Investigation
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Medical Examination and Drug Screening


Hiring Incentive- Uncertified $7,500. 5,000 up front and 1500 after probationary period Certified $15,000. 10,000 up front and 5,000 after probationary period.

  • Sick Leave-Employees accrue 8 hours of sick leave per month
  • Paid Holidays-Employees receive 11 paid holidays per year
  • Retirement-Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA)-Police Officers can retire once they have achieved 25-years of service. Civilian employees can retire once they have achieved 30-years of service
  • Insurance- The City of Carlsbad pays 75% of the employee’s health insurance benefit
  • Pay Incentives
  • Education

Associates Degree      $1.00 per hour

Bachelor’s Degree      $2.00 per hour

Master’s Degree       $3.00 per hour

  • Bi-lingual Employees and Employees fluent in sign-language shall receive $0.60 per hour
  • Specialty Pay-Employees shall receive $0.60 per hour for the following specialties with a cap of $2.40 per hour:
SWAT Members Field Training Officers
Academy Certified Instructors Arson Investigators
Certified Hostage Negotiators Communication Training Officers
Polygraph Operator Key Operator
Traffic Crash Reconstructionist Physical Fitness Instructor
Euthanasia Technician Crimes Against Children (ICAC)
Cruelty Investigator Armorer
Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Child Safety Technician
Certified Crime Scene Investigator TAC Officer
  • Equipment Allowance
  • $1,500 to new certified officers upon completion of their probationary period for the purchase of firearms, leather, handcuffs and other equipment and accessories.
  • $1,500 to officers hired as lateral transfers upon completion of their training period for the purchase of firearms, leather, handcuffs and other equipment and accessories.
  • Uniforms are provided by the Department and employees will receive the following wages for uniform upkeep and equipment replacement.
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