Ordinances, Regulations and Publications



Short Term Housing Strategy

The short term housing strategy provides a list of potential growth sites for the City of Carlsbad to explore and potentially develop in order to accommodate the growth of the City of Carlsbad.

Final Approved Comprehensive Plan

The City of Carlsbad Comprehensive Plan is the City’s long-range plan which provides elected and appointed officials with a general framework from which to make decisions regarding the long-term growth of the community. The current plan was adopted by the City Council in January, 2020 (Res. 2020-05).

Greater Carlsbad Housing Analysis & Strategic Plan

The Greater Carlsbad Housing Analysis & Strategic Plan was adopted in 2009. The Plan identifies housing issues in the greater Carlsbad area and establishes goals and objectives for providing quality residential development options for area residents. (This plan is currently being updated. The final draft will be available Spring 2015.)

Zoning Ordinance - Chapter 56 Code of Ordinances

The City’s Zoning Ordinance is located in Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances and was updated in October 2011 (Ord. 2011-15). The Zoning Ordinance provides regulations that serve to protect the health, safety and general welfare of area residents and land owners. The ordinance regulates land uses, development densities, building setbacks, development standards and temporary and accessory uses. This ordinance has not yet been codified into the City ordinances available at www.municode.com. Please click the link on this page for a current copy.

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