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Purchase of Interment Rights
Infant Lot (in Babyland) ………………….$125.00
Adult Lot…………………………………….$550.00
Adult Lot with Double-Depth Option….$550.00
Interment and Disinterment
*Interment Rights may be purchased over time
Infant Burial (Babyland)………..$ 125.00
Infant Burial (elsewhere)……….$ 375.00
Adult Burial (Normal Depth)…..$ 375.00
Adult Burial (Double Depth)…..$ 625.00
Indigent Burial (Normal Depth)..$ 45.00
Infant Burial (Babyland)…………$ 190.00
Infant Burial (Elsewhere)………..$ 500.00
Adult Burial (Normal Depth)……$ 500.00
Adult Burial (Double Depth)……$ 750.00
Infant (Weekdays only)……………………..$125.00
Adult (Weekdays only)………………………$250.00
Setting of Burial Vaults (Assessed only when the City sets the vault)……….$325.00
Monument Setting Permit (licensed monument company has to obtain permit from cemetery)…$25.00
Commercial Basic……………………………………………..$37.28
Commercial 3 cy Twice Week………………………………$127.78
Commercial 3 cy Additional Pick Up [per week]………..$95.83
6 cy[twice a week]..........................................$255.55
6 cy additional..................................................$95.83
Commercial 11/2 cy Twice Week…………………………$95.83
Commercial 1 1/2 cy Additional Pick Up [per week]….$95.83
Apartments & Mobile Homes [per dwelling unit]……………………………….$25.53
Hotel & Motels [per room]………………………………………..$ 6.40
Chemical Analysis…..$45.00
Print or Copy Fees:
$0.10 per Letter page for black and white
$0.25 per Letter page for color
$0.15 per Legal page for black and white
$0.30 per Legal page for color
Late Fees for Books:
$ 0.25 a day, maximum $10.00 per item.
Damage fees are depending on the book
New Library card $1.00
Dance Permit ……..$25.00 if there is a cover charge
Business Registration
Temporary (< two weeks)……..$10.00
Sewer Tap………………………………$4.00
Letter and Legal Size $ .50 B&W/ $1.00 Color*
11×17 $1.00 B&W/ $2.00 Color*
Letter/Report $1.00 up to 4 pages for local and 800#/$ .25 per page after 4*
Letter/Report $2.00 up to 4 pages for long distance#/$ .50 per page after 4*
Letter size $0.50 for any black and white print
4×6-$2.00 for each photograph
8×10-$5.00 for each photograph
Digital Media
Compact Disc (CD) $5.00 for each CD
Digital Video Disc (DVD) $10.00 for each DVD
USB Drive $5.00 and up depending on the size
*One page is defined as a single piece of paper with information printed on one side. A single piece of paper with information printed on both sides would be “two pages”.
Power House Rentals
$50 for 4 hours + deposit
$100 for full day + deposit
$50 cleaning deposit
Water Deposit – Minimum $45.00 or more
Returned Check or Draft fee – $10.00
Reconnect fee – $50.00
Late Fee – $25.00
Interest on lien – 8% per year
Admission: Ages: 4-61 $5.00
Age 3 and Under, and Age 62 and Over: Free
Rentals: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 6-8 p.m. by Reservation Only:
Rentals will be on a First Come, First Paid Basis
Fees: $300 for up to 50 people (Potential Shared with Other Groups)
$600 for up to 100 people (Potential of Sharing with Other Groups)
$1,200 for up to 400 people (Exclusive Use of Facility)
Hours: 11 a.m. – 6 p.m., Memorial Day through Labor Day (Closed on Mondays except Memorial
Independence and Labor Days)