Planning, Eng. & Reg. Dept.


114 S. South Halagueno Street | Phone: (575) 885-1185 | Fax: (575) 628-8379

The Planning, Engineering and Regulation Department is responsible for the following services of city government:

  • Planning (Zoning, Subdivision, Annexation, Development Review, Long-Range Planning)
  • Engineering
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Building Permitting and Inspections (General Construction, Mechanical, Plumbing and Electrical)
  • Code Enforcement
  • Floodplain Management
  • Addressing
  • Business Registration & Special Permits (Dances, Parades, Garage Sales, Roadside Sales)
  • Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)
  • ADA Coordination

New Permitting System!

The City of Carlsbad is excited to announce a new online permitting system! This system is live NOW and can be used to submit building construction permits and plan reviews, as well as request inspections. You may also apply for, or renew business registrations and apply for special use permits with the Planning and Zoning Department. We now accept online payments for permits and registrations. Please visit the City of Carlsbad home page or use the following link to create an account: For more information, please call 885-1185 or email Trysha Ortiz or Derrick Fortney at or

**Helpful Tips When Entering an Address**

If the address you are applying for includes a North, South, East or West direction, please do not include a period after the direction. (Ex.- 114 S Halagueno). When entering a numbered street name such as 8th St., please spell the name of the street. (Ex.- Eighth).

Permit Portal

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