Solid Waste Department


1702 W. Fox

The Solid Waste Department aims to provide the best service possible to the City of Carlsbad residents and commercial establishments. Our services start in garbage and trash collection and continue until the proper disposal of it at Sandpoint Landfill is complete. The department also provides recycling and Household Hazardous Waste Collection services.

*Residential customers are picked up twice a week. Residents can also visit the convenience waste station located at 302 East Plaza Street.

**Commercial establishments and other non-residential customers are picked up a minimum of twice per week. Charges for this service vary depending on the size of container and added pick-ups.

Solid Waste fees and rates:

The Solid Waste Department recycles all the City’s green waste into mulch useful in various applications ranging from land application to combining them with biosolids to produce compost. The Department also recycles large and small tires into tire bales. These bales can be used in various ways. Carlsbad has used them extensively as filler for erosion control structures, saving a lot on materials alone.


Yard and Bulk Waste Collection

The City of Carlsbad Solid Waste Department has a program for the collection of yard waste and other acceptable bulky waste. (Solid Waste Services)

* For information on acceptable types of waste and collection procedures, see the Trash Collection page.


Albert Moisa

(575) 885-0042

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