Detectives / Evidence Division


The Detectives Division of the Carlsbad Police Department investigates arson crimes and most felony crimes in all three categories of reports; Crimes Against Persons, White Collar Crimes and Property Crimes. Reports are assigned on a case by case basis and are investigated from the initial stages of the reporting process to completion.


The Evidence Division of the Carlsbad Police Department is staffed by Corporal Tonia Tiller and Evidence Technician Mike Taylor, who work closely with the Detectives and Patrol Divisions. Cpl. Tiller and Mike Taylor are trained to document and process all types of crime scenes. They are also the Evidence Custodians for the Carlsbad Police Department and a direct liaisons with the various crime scene laboratories around the State of New Mexico.

Should you have questions regarding the collection or return of evidence, found property, or property obtained by the Carlsbad Police Department for safekeeping, contact them at the numbers below:

Evidence Technician at (575) 885-2111, Ext. #2240

Evidence Clerk Chelsea Byrd at (575) 885-2111. Ext. #2234

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