Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Alejandro Ruiz Senior Center

  • Alejandro Ruiz Senior center

    There is no charge to become a member. You must be 40 years of age to become a member. Southeastern Community Action requires an age of 60 to participate in the meal program.

  • What Time Do They Serve Meals At Alejandro Ruiz Senior Center?

    Meals are served Monday to Friday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. The menu varies.

  • What Are The Hours For The Alejandro Ruiz Senior Center?

    8 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. 120 Kircher St. 575-885-1402.

Animal Control

  • Can I Drop An Animal At The Shelter After Hours?

    Yes, Animals (dogs and cats) can be dropped off at Noah’s Ark 24 hours a day. There is a doorway inside the brick area on the north side of the building, there are cages provided. The cages are checked regularly and animals will be brought inside.

  • Where Is The Animal Shelter Located.

    Noah’s Ark is located at 1517 Buena Vista. Hours of operation are 12pm to 5pm Monday to Friday. 11am to 4pm Saturday. 575-885-5769.

  • How do I contact Animal Control?

    You can reach Animal Control through Carlsbad Police Department dispatch. 575-885-2111 extension 0.

Building And Zoning

  • How Do I Get A Building Permit?

    You can apply for a building permit at the Planning, Engineering, and Regulation Department at City Hall. 575-885-1185. Fees are based on type of building or work being performed.

  • Do I Need A Building Permit?

    You will need a building permit if you are tearing out/ putting up sheetrock, curb-cuts, roofing, shingles, windows, fences (even if repairing an old one), demolitions, storage sheds, garages, porches, new construction, cement slab, stucco, sewer tap inspections, etc.

Carlsbad Cemetery

  • Do You Have Old Newspapers?

    We only keep three months worth of old newspapers. Older newspapers are kept at the Eddy County Clerks office, on microfilm. Printing is available. The Family Historic Center at 1211 W. Church also has older newspapers. 575-885-1368

  • Where Do I Purchase A Plot For Carlsbad Municipal Cemetery?

    Interment and Disinterment Rights or Plots can be arranged by visiting the Cemetery office at 114 S. Halagueno St in the Municipal Annex Building. 575-236-1073.

  • What Are The Visiting Hours For The Carlsbad Cemetery?

    The Carlsbad Municipal Cemetery is open to visitors 7 days a week, 365 days a year, according to the following schedule: Summer Hours (April 1 through October 31) 8 am to 7 pm. Winter Hours (November 1 through March 31) 8 am to 5 pm.

Carlsbad Museum and Art Center

  • Is There An Entrance Fee For The Museum?

    There is no entrance fee for the Carlsbad Museum, however, donations are gratefully accepted.

  • What Are The Hours For The Museum?

    The Carlsbad Museum is open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 5 pm.

  • Where Is the Museum Located?

    The Museum is located at 418 W. Fox on the south side of the Library.

Carlsbad Public Library

  • Can I Have A Library Card If I Am Only Living Here Temporarily?

    Yes, we have digital access cards, which grant access to all our online services. All you need is a photo I.D.

  • Do You Have Accelerated Reader Books For Children? Can Children Take The Accelerated Reader Tests At The Library?

    Yes. All reader books and juvenile fiction books are marked with the AC level. Children must take the Accelerated Reader tests at their school.

  • What Is The Cost Of A Library Card?

    Library cards are free. You must be 18 years of age and have proof of identification and a local address. Minors may have a library card with parent/guardian consent.

  • Do You Have Movies And Audio Books?

    Yes. We also have a wide selection of large print and ebooks.

  • Do You Have Tax Forms?

    Tax forms are available year round. The largest pre-printed selection is available from January to April. They can also be obtained online at IRS.Gov

  • Are Printing, Copying and Fax Service Available?

    Black and white and color printing and copying is available for a charge. There is also a scanner and digital materials available for free. There is no public fax service.

  • Do You Have Free Wireless Internet Capabilities?

    Yes, we do have free wireless internet access available, check at the desk for the password.

  • Do You Have Computer For Public Use?

    Computers are available for public use, computers with free internet access are available for one hour a day. Computers without internet access are available without a time limit. You must be in good standing with the library and have no fees over $5.00,

  • What Are The Hours Of The Library?

    Carlsbad Public Library is open Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 8 pm and Friday to Saturday 9 am to 6 pm. Closed Sundays and Holidays

Carlsbad Public Library

  • Where Is The New Dog Park located? What Are The Hours And Rules Of The Dog Park?

    The City Dog Park is located at 122 E. Lea Street (Next to the river.)

    The Park is open from 6 AM to Sunset.

    Rules for the Dog Park.

    Use park at your own risk.

    Aggressive dogs are prohibited.

    Clean up after your dog.

    Dogs must be spayed or neutered.

    Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

    Dogs must be under voice control.

    Owners must have leash at all times.

    Dogs must be on leash outside double-gated entry.

    Fill holes made by your dog.

    Dogs must be at least 6 months old, licensed & vaccinated.

    No food or drinks allowed.

    The park is maintained by the City of Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department.

    Please keep it clean. Thank you.

    Dog Park Rules | Hours

  • What Are The Summer Hours For The Carlsbad Natatorium?

    The summer hours schedule for the Carlsbad Natatorium located at the Carlsbad High School 3000 W. Church 575-234-3326. During the weekdays the hours are 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The hours for the weekends are as follows 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The cost is $2.50 per person.

  • What Are The Swimming Hours At The Beach?

    Lifeguards are on duty from 8 am to 8 pm from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. There is no swimming at the beach unless there is a lifeguard on duty.

  • How Do I Get Information About Christmas On The Pecos?

    Contact the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. 575-887-6516 or 800-658-2713

  • How Can I Get A Copy Of An Ambulance Report?

    Ambulance Reports are available by visiting the office of the City Clerk and filling out a request form. There is a fee of $ .50 per copied page.

  • How Do I Report A Ordinance Violation Or Problems With Weeds/Trash On A Property?

    Code Enforcement can be contacted at City Hall 575-885-1185. Or through the form located on the city’s website under the Citizens Request tab.

  • How Do I Sponsor A Plaque Or Bench By The Beach?

    Arrangements for sponsorship can be made by calling Bob Forrest at 575-302-9680.

  • Who Do I Contact To Rent The Civic Center?

    The scheduling of the Walter R. Gerrells Civic Center can be accomplished by calling 575-887-0276. You may also contact MSL Productions at 575-208-6208, or email

  • How Do I Rent One Of The Pavilions Or Picnic Shelters?

    Arrangements to rent the Pavilions or Picnic Shelters can be made by contacting Steve Hendley at City Hall, 887-1191 ext. 7957. There is a $25 charge for rental. You are advised to reserve early as some dates fill up quickly.

  • Where Can I Find A Notary Public?

    Notary Public is available at both City Hall and the Police Department 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Cost is $5.00

  • Does Carlsbad Have A Public Transportation System?

    Carlsbad Transit provides transportation by van to locations all over Carlsbad. The vans run 5 am to 9:30 pm Monday through Friday. The cost is $2 each way for people making reservations 24 hours ahead of time. The cost of same day service is $5 each way. Office hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday. 575-887-2121

  • Where Do I Obtain A Business Registration?

    Business registration is handled by the Planning, Engineering, and Regulation Department at 114 S. Halagueno. Their phone number is 885-1185.

  • Where Can I Obtain A Copy Of a Birth Certificate, Death Certificate or Marriage License?

    The City of Carlsbad does not maintain these records. Birth and Death certificates are kept by the State of New Mexico and can be accessed by calling Vital Records. 505-827-0121. Marriage Licenses are maintained by The Eddy County Clerks Office. 575-885-3383.

  • Where Do I Get A License tag For My Pet?

    Licenses for dogs and cats are available through your veterinarian or through the Water Department at City Hall. Rabies vaccination certificate number will be required at City Hall.

  • Who Do I Contact Regarding The Cemetery?

    Contact Diana Dorado at the cemetery office at 575 236-1075.

  • How Do I Report An Abandoned Vehicle?

    To report an abandoned vehicle, dial 311 or 575-234-7901 or you can call the Police Department Dispatch Center. 575-885-2111 ext 0. Or through the form located on the city’s website under the Citizens Request tab.

  • What are the hours for City Hall?

    City Hall is open from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday.

New Resident Information

  • How Do I Request Outstanding Billings For Water, Sewer, Or Garbage?

    Fill out this form. Request For Outstanding Water, Sewer, and Garbage Billings Please return the form to the water department at 101 N. Halagueno St. You may also email the completed form to

  • What Day Will My Trash Be Picked Up?

    Trash is picked up based on where you live in the city. Any address north of Church Street will be picked up Monday and Thursday, Any address south of Church Street will be picked up Tuesday and Friday. For further questions you can contact the Public Works Department 575-885-6262, 7 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.

  • How Do I Set Up Service For Pick Up Of Solid Waste?

    City residents are serviced by the City of Carlsbad and will be paid for as part of your water bill. Questions regarding service can be answered by Solid Waste Management at Public Works. 575-885-6262. Residences outside of the city limits are not serviced by the City of Carlsbad.

  • Who Is The Water Company For Carlsbad?

    The City of Carlsbad serves our community. Their offices are located at City Hall, 101 N Halagueno. 575-887-1191. They also have a convenient drive thru window for payments located on the north side of the building.

  • Who Is The Gas Company For Carlsbad?

    New Mexico Gas Company services Carlsbad and surrounding areas. You can contact them at 888-664-2726.

  • Who Is The Electric Company For Carlsbad

    Xcel Energy serves Carlsbad and the surrounding area. They can be reached at 800-895-4999.


  • Where Can I Get A Job Application

    Applications can be picked up at the Personnel Office, City Hall, Room 114, or can be printed off our website under the Personnel/Employment link.

  • How Do I Find Out What Jobs Are Open For The City Of Carlsbad?

    Jobs openings are listed on our website under the Employment Opportunities tab. They are also posted on a bulletin board located at City Hall 101 N. Halagueno.

  • How Do I Apply For A Job With The City Of Carlsbad?

    Applications for employment are accepted only for posted job vacancies and must be submitted prior to the posted deadline. To Apply for posted positions, file applications at the Personnel Office, City Municipal Building, 101 N. Halagueno St. Room 114. Mailing Address: City of Carlsbad Personnel Department, P.O. Box 1569, Carlsbad, NM 88221-1569

Police Department

  • How Can I Get A copy Of An Accident Report?

    Accident Reports are available from the records department, second floor of the police department. 602 W. Mermod. 575-885-2111. There is a fee for each report. $2 for the first page (front and back) and $ .50 per copy after that. You will need a government issued photo identification, the date and location of occurrence .

  • How Can I Obtain A Background Report On Myself?

    Background Reports are available from the records department on the second floor of the police department. 602 W. Mermod. 575-885-2111 ext. 3. There is a $2 fee for each report. You will need a government issued photo identification.

  • How Can I Get A Copy Of A Police Report

    Police Reports are available from the records department, second floor of the police department. 602 W. Mermod. 575-885-2111. There is a fee for each report. $2 for the first page (front and back) and $ .50 per copy after that. You will need a government issued photo identification.

  • Where Do I Go To Bond Someone Out?

    Municipal bonds are done at the court during working hours. After working hours, they are done at the police department. Carlsbad Magistrate bonds are done at the court during working hours. After working hours, they are done at the Eddy County Detention Center.

  • When Are Fingerprints Done?

    Fingerprints are done at CARC inc. The service is provided by Cogentid.

Riverwalk Recreation Complex

  • What Is The Cost To Rent The Rooms At The Riverwalk Recreation Complex?

    Power House and Tottenhoff Room Rentals are $50 for 4 hours with a $50 cleaning deposit. $100 for full day with a $50 cleaning deposit. Deposit is mailed back if room is cleaned and there is no damage. Must be paid in full at time of reservation. Reservations can be made by calling 575-887-2702.

  • What Activities/Games Are Available At The Riverwalk Recreation Complex?

    Pool Tables, ping pong tables, indoor racquet ball courts, fitness room, basketball courts, volleyball courts, arcade games, hockey park and skate park.

  • What Are The Hours For The Riverwalk Recreation Center?

    Riverwalk Recreation Center is open 8 am to 9 pm Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 10 pm Friday, 1 pm to 10 pm on Saturday and 1 pm to 9 pm on Sunday. Closed on Holidays. Project Playground is closed dusk to dawn.

Solid Waste Department

  • Why Are We Getting Roll-Out Trash Cans?

    It was determined to be more cost effective. Dumpsters made of metal rust quickly and have to be replaced often. The Roll-out trash cans made of plastic last much longer and are cheaper to replace. They also assure that each customer gets an equal space for trash disposal. Additionally, It also cuts down on illegal dumping.

  • What Day Will My Trash Be Picked Up?

    Trash is picked up based on where you live in the city. Any address north of Church Street will be picked up Monday and Thursday, Any address south of Church Street will be picked up Tuesday and Friday. For further questions you can contact the Public Works Department 575-885-6262, 7 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.

  • What Are the Hours Of Operation For The Sandpoint Landfill?

    The dump is open from 7 am to 4:15 pm 7 days a week unless there is a high wind advisory. You can contact them at 575-200-5642.

Traffic Concerns

  • Do We Have A Street Cleaning Service?

    Yes, Carlsbad Public Works provides street cleaning for the City of Carlsbad. Street Sweeping is done once a month based on a schedule. You can view the schedule on the Street Sweeping Schedule page. In order to make the most of this service, please be sure to move vehicles or other impediments out of the way on your scheduled days.

  • How Do I Report A Pothole?

    Potholes can be reported by using the form on this website, by calling 311 or by calling Public Works at 575-885-6262. You will need the address nearest to the pothole or the closest intersection. If you do not have an address, please be prepared to give as detailed information as possible for the location. i.e. Southbound lane, near the curb.

  • How Do I Get The Police To Monitor Speeding In My Neighborhood?

    Police Dispatch can handle this request. 575-885-2111 ext. 0.

Water Department

  • When Can I Water My Lawn?

    Your watering days depends upon your address. If your address ends in an even number, then you water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. If your address ends in an odd number, then your days are Wednesday, Friday, and Sundays. There is no watering on Mondays. Watering is permitted before 10:00 AM and after 6:00 PM.

  • What If I Am A Landlord And Do Not Wish To Be Reponsible For My Tenant's Water Payments Should They Default.

    Landlords can go to the Cashier’s office, fill out a form and provide a letter of no responsibility. This must be done annually. Landlords should be aware that this action will result in the tenant being required to turn in a deposit of $90.00 before service will be turned on.

  • How Do I Report A Suspected Water Main Leak Or Break?

    During Office Hours 7 am to 5 pm you can call 575-885-6313. After hours please contact the Police Department Dispatch Center 575-885-2111 ext 0.

  • How Are Charges For Sewer Calculated If I have A Leak During The January - February Billing Cycle?

    If you have repaired a leak during January or February, you can come to the Cashiers office at City Hall and request a sewer adjustment. You will need to fill out a form and provide a receipt or notarized statement of repair.

  • How Are Sewer Charges Calculated When I Am Watering My Lawn Or Filling My Pool?

    Sewer Charges are based on the water usage for January and February. The usage for those two months are then averaged.

  • What Are My Payment Options for My Water Bill?

    The Water Department accepts cash, checks and credit cards (visa, MasterCard, Discover) for payment. You may also set up an automatic payment from your checking or savings account.

  • What Day Is Water Cut Off For Non-Payment?

    Water cut-offs occur the 1st Tuesday of the month.

  • What Is Required To Set Up Water Service?

    The Water Department is in City Hall at 101 N. Halagueno. You will need to fill out an application and provide proof of valid identification. Deposits are $45.00 for property you own, $90.00 for rental property that the owner has provided a letter of no responsibility. If you are moving to Carlsbad, you can call 575-887-1191 ext. 7800 to set up service via fax or email correspondence. Proof of valid identification will still be required, and the deposit must be paid by credit or debit card.

  • When Are Water Department Payments Due?

    Water Department payments are due before the 21st of each month.

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