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International Fire Code (IFC)
Fire Code & Prevention
The City of Carlsbad has adopted the International Fire Code version 2021 by ordinance. The current
adopted code can be found in the Code of Ordinances in the 2021 edition of the International Fire
A version of the ICF can be found on the International Code Council website. For questions about
other City codes that may impact your business, contact the Carlsbad Fire Marshals Office at (575)
25 Most Common International Fire Code (IFC) Violatons for Business
Dear Business Owner,
In an effort to better serve you and help you to prevent fire hazards in your business, the
following information is provided to you on behalf of the Carlsbad Fire Department. A list of the
25 Most Common International Fire Code (IFC 2021) Violations can assist you in eliminating
potential fire hazards in your business and staying in compliance with the fire code. Should you
have any questions concerning this information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Joshua Campbell
Fire Marshal
Carlsbad Fire Department 401 S Halagueno St.
Carlsbad, N.M. 88220
Office 575.885.3125 Cell 575.243.0168