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Update 10-30-23


This is a very important week for everyone at Southeast New Mexico College. This week, SENMC is meeting with the Higher Learning Commission, who serves as an institutional accreditor for post-secondary institutions in the area. This on site-visit is for SENMC’s ten-year accreditation visit.


In July of 2021, House Bill 212 became law. making NMSU Carlsbad an independent college named Southeast New Mexico College (SENMC). Southeast New Mexico College is and remains fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission as a degree-granting institution. We have greatly enjoyed seeing all the pride that students, faculty and staff display in their new college, and we are very confident that this week will go well. The entire community played an essential role in the college’s bid for independence, and we remain deeply committed to supporting the process.


Southeast New Mexico College recently benefited from a $25,000 donation from XTO Energy, which will go toward the Science and Engineering Department. Spring registration begins in early November.



Thanks again to J.W. Sutphin and everyone who helped put together the POW/MIA Freedom Flight event in Carlsbad. The balloons are in recognition of the 80,000 United States soldiers who are still missing. Carlsbad’s activities included a takeoff from the country club, a tribute to veterans on Thursday at the Memorial Park, basket displays at the Boys and Girls Club, and an event Saturday at Carlsbad Chevrolet. The wind curtailed some activities, but everyone still had a great time. Most importantly, we appreciate this great way of reminding everyone about our nation’s thousands of POW and MIA soldiers.



Just one more reminder that door to door “Trick or Treat” night in Carlsbad will remain on Tuesday, Oct. 31.

The City will be a part of the MainStreet Fall Festival downtown from 4-6 p.m. Oct. 31. Businesses pass out candy in the downtown area and the popular annual event also includes a costume contest. The Carlsbad Police and Carlsbad Fire Departments will host a Trunk or Treat at 5 p.m. at Fire Station (400 Block of Halagueno) on Oct. 31.

Thank you to the many other organizations who have hosted or who are hosting safe events for our children this year. We heard great things about the Boys & Girls Club Carnival and haunted house last week.  Southeast New Mexico College is hosting its annual haunted house and trick or treat from 3-6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 30.


Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway

Carlsbad, New Mexico - Official City Website