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Mayor’s Update 8-23-23

Last week, Dallas-based Energy Transfer Operating announced that it intended to buy out Crestwood, who is one of the largest gas processing companies in the Permian Basin. This planned deal is announced at being for $7.1 billion, and is the latest of a number of major purchases and mergers in the Permian Basin. This announcement was made just over a year after Crestwood bought Sendero Midstream.

Both Sendero and Crestwood have had great records of community involvement in Carlsbad. That’s in part due to the presence of Clint Cone, who has established a strong tradition of community involvement and support. Cone currently serves as the President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Under his watch, Sendero and Crestwood have supported too many projects to name in this update. Cone has been a part of nearly any positive community development over the past few years.

This past summer, Crestwood helped us out with a performance by the Brooks Brothers that was considered to be one of the best parts of our 4th of July celebration. Crestwood didn’t just donate – employees came out and volunteered their time to make sure the event went well. They’ve been a great example of the ideal community partner.

We hope Energy Transfer Operating will realize what a great team they have in Carlsbad and the surrounding area. We strongly support Cone and all of our local Crestwood employees, and we appreciate all that they do for Carlsbad.


Over the past few weeks, we’ve been proud to announce that several new restaurants have opened in Carlsbad. These new businesses are all reportedly doing very well. Sometimes, however, the businesses that have been with us for decades deserve some credit.

Recently, the Pecos River Café honored two employees, Sylvia Carrasco and Jaime Carrillo, for working with the restaurant for 24 years. Given the fact that one of the biggest debates in Carlsbad is how to obtain and retain good employees, in particular at restaurants, the Café’s owners, Diana and Chris Cerny, must be doing something right. Congratulations Diana and Chris for running a great business for such a long time.

While a few other locations brag about having the best cinnamon rolls in the state, we believe that title belongs right here in Carlsbad, at the Pecos River Café. The Pecos River Café also has a great tradition of supporting local sports teams and activities. The restaurant is located at 409 S. Canal St.




Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway

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