1. I've already added the code that the support provided. The navigation sub pages when hover appears on left side instead of right side. 2. Done. Upon checking the previous content here was supposed to have board and commission. But they have the same h1. What I've do is I've created a page for Board and Comission Community Volunteer Network and updated the existing Community Volunteer Network. 3. Already added a space between the email. 4. Removed the dumplicated Solid Waste Department on the submenu section. 5. Added The House Hold Hazardous Waste link. 6. Removed the Application Forms. 7. For the link https://carlsbadnm-energovweb.tylerhost.net/apps/SelfService#/home ( this is not the carlsbad old site but another external website). Same with #8. 9-10. We could request another font size adjustment to the datacalipper. 11. The email on the right side is now active.